Video Interview Tips from an Expert

Future Leaders in Action has always conducted our fellowship interviews virtually - either over phone or video. We compiled several tips based on our experiences for those interviewing with us this fall as well as others interviewing virtually due to COVID-19. 

You should use the tips that work for you as it is not a one-size fits all approach. At the end of the day, you need to do what makes you feel the most comfortable during the interview process so that it allows you to share your best self. 

Be Aware of Your Surroundings 

  • Try to the best of your ability to have a quiet and private space. It will allow you to be yourself more fully and will prevent potential distractions. If you don’t have a private space, that’s okay! Wear headphones and acknowledge it at the beginning of the interview. I am based in New York and have had sirens occur mid-interview. I take the time to acknowledge it as a potential disruption and move forward.

  • Turn off notifications on your computer especially with sound. This will help you stay focused on the interview. If a notification pops up, it may inadvertently make you look distracted.

Practice and Prepare

  • Test out the technology, camera, and platform ahead of time, especially if you haven’t used it before. This will make sure that your interview can start on time with limited technological issues, but also be prepared that something can still go wrong. If you are using Zoom, you can turn off your self view so you do not see the video of yourself, which can help you with not being distracted by seeing your own self!

  • Have your phone nearby as a backup for technological issues. I have had poor internet connections and moved interviews to the phone so that way I am getting full answers from candidates instead of distracting half-answers. 

  • Practice talking to your computer so that you are more comfortable with the format especially if you are not using it as often at the time of the interview. Practice looking at the camera not the screen as it will mimic eye contact more than looking at the screen.

  • Show up on time, but not too early! Allow yourself a few minutes to get set up and join the room. However, unlike showing up to an interview way too early you don’t have the option to wait around outside before entering the building. Try to join the call no more than five minutes before the interview starts. 

  • Still have physical copies of your resume or portfolio if you want to reference it as you might in an in-person interview. Just as it would be weird for an interviewer if you pulled out your phone to show them a bit of your portfolio, it would be strange to minimize the interview to pull up a file.

Interviews are nerve wracking whether they are happening in person or virtually so, try to take the opportunity of it being virtual to be in a comfortable place. By practicing and being aware of your surroundings, it will help take away some of the uncertainty related to starting an interview. Finally, still take the time to connect with your interviewer on a personal level - you can start off by acknowledging all of the weirdness with things going on right now with COVID-19. Good luck on your next interview!