Alyssa Rodriguez with YSS


Alyssa worked as the Program Evaluation Fellow at YSS to evaluate the organization’s metrics and form a comprehensive tracking system to measure program impact over the next five years. YSS provides prevention, education, treatment, transition, and child welfare services for youth, emerging adults and families through a network of community partnerships. Given the variety of services that YSS provides, they are seeking a consistent and cohesive tracking model across all services as well as recommendations to improve staff culture, while strengthening connections with community members and other stakeholders.


  • Gathered feedback through surveys, research, interviews from all program divisions to create a tracking plan

  • Conducted a competitive analysis to compare new softwares with current software being used

  • Researched, created and presented a tracking model for all YSS programs

  • Trained program staff on how to track outcomes and drive connections across YSS programs

  • Create a public relations proposal detailing how to engage different audiences, both internally and externally, to reach YSS’s goal of 1 million connections in 5 years


According to YSS’s 2020 Impact Report, over 12,000 youth and families were impacted by YSS’s services and can estimate that the tracking model and sustainability plan will impact over 12,000 people across central Iowa.

Article Written by Alyssa