Letter from Executive Director

Dear Friends, Alumni, Partners and Supporters of Future Leaders in Action,

Over the past six years, I have greatly enjoyed building and growing Future Leaders in Action. FLIA has been such a large part of my life that it is hard to believe I am writing this note. I have made the bittersweet decision to step down as Executive Director of FLIA. I am excited to share that I plan on attending business school this fall, and that I will remain closely involved with FLIA, and intend to join the Board of Directors after a brief transition period.

I have enjoyed watching fellows’ projects develop over the course of the fellowship and seeing what fellows have gone on to do after their fellowship’s completion. Thinking back to the beginning of FLIA, it’s amazing to see the growth of the program from an idea to a thriving organization, with 11 cohorts of fellows, 57 alumni, and 18 partner organizations. Last year, we pivoted the program to be online to ensure that we could successfully run our fall fellowship. All of these successes would not have been possible without our amazing donors and supporters and the hard work of FLIA’s fellows, partner organizations and board members.

 In early summer, I will officially join the Board of Directors and until then will work on initial transition steps. We are looking to hire a new Executive Director, and we invite you to share this opportunity with anyone that would be a good fit. My confidence in our programming and community has never been higher, and I am excited to support a smooth transition to new leadership.

I am incredibly grateful for the past six years. I look forward to supporting the incoming Executive Director, FLIA, alumni, and incoming fellows in a different capacity, while pursuing a graduate degree. If you have any questions about the transition or FLIA, please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have now or in the future.

Thank you,
Kirsten Abel